Hotel Impossible Party at Gardenia Resort in Negril Jamaica

Hotel Impossible Party at Gardenia Resort

March 4th - 5th, 2013

On Monday the 4th of March there was the first of its kind party in Negril! The Travel Channel's Hotel Impossible along with the Gardenia Resort, and hosted an interactive party for Anthony Melchiorri's Hotel Impossible airing of Negril's Gardenia Resort episode! As today's Negril today picture shows, there were many in attendance, from hotel owners and their GMs to visitors to our tropical shores! We have to extend a big up to Anthony, as one of the local business owner's, Delroy Johnson of MiYard posted on his Facebook page today, "I went to the remaking of the Gardenia Hotel. It was an eye opener for me . It was attended by mainly property owner. I think it cause us all to examin ourselves I think." Thank you Anthony and extend our appreciation to all your staff and the folks at the Travel Channel! To find out more about events happening in Negril, be sure to check out our Entertainment section!

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Norman Manley Blvd. 
Negril, Westmoreland


Phone: +1 (876) 423-5479